
6th Blog- Kicking Off Our Industry Analysis

Image      It was a productive day for our group as we embarked on planning the industry analysis report for the Holy Cross of Mintal's IT department. After several discussions and deliberations, we managed to successfully secure all the necessary documents to conduct our analysis. This achievement was significant, as acquiring the documents involved sending formal letters to the institution, ensuring that we followed the proper channels. The process gave us an early insight into the professionalism and formalities needed for projects like this. After completing this step, we entered the next phase: preparing for the actual data gathering and analysis.      We are currently in the initiation stage of the industry analysis process, which involves strategizing and organizing how we will gather information on the IT department’s existing processes. Our team is now focused on determining the best time and day to visit the de

5th Blog- Project Meeting

Image      This day marked another significant step in my academic journey. Although we did not have a formal class meeting with our professor, my classmates and I took the initiative to convene and work on one of the key deliverables for our subject. The experience turned out to be quite engaging as I collaborated with a group of individuals who, despite coming from diverse professional backgrounds, all shared a common objective—successfully completing our industry analysis team report.      We began our meeting by brainstorming ideas for the project, discussing what industry we wanted to focus on, and how we could best organize our efforts to produce a well-rounded and insightful report. It was fascinating to see how each person contributed from their unique perspective, offering insights from their respective fields, which added richness to our discussion. As someone who is currently navigating the transition between being a student and a profe

4th Blog- Time To Plan

Image      September 21, 2024, was a day that would mark a turning point for me and my classmates. It was the last session in which our professor discussed the requirements we needed to fulfill in his subject. As graduate students in the Master in Information Technology program, we knew this was no ordinary class. There was a weight to the moment because, on this day, we discussed the most crucial project that would ultimately determine whether or not we would graduate on time: our capstone project.      The instructions from our professor were clear and seemingly simple. He told us that we needed to start planning our capstone project now, in the first year of our program. This would give us a full year to develop it and ensure that by the time we reached our second year, we would be ready to complete it and

3rd Blog- Planning not to Fail

Image      As the sun came up on September 14, 2024, starting another day in my journey, I found myself thinking deeply about why so many projects fail. This day wasn’t just like any other; it felt like a moment of learning and reflection. My mind drifted back to a project from my college days when I was assigned as the project manager during our on-the-job training at the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD). Looking back at that experience, I realized it held many of the lessons about project management that I am still learning today.      The project in question involved the development of two distinct systems: a queuing system and a client satisfaction measurement form system. Despite our dedicat

2nd blog of my New Journey

Image      September 7, 2024, It was another calm and peaceful day—one that gave me time to think and reflect. I followed my usual morning routine: taking a bath, preparing a meal, and getting ready for the day ahead. As I traveled to school, lost in thought, I couldn’t help but revisit the path that had brought me to this moment. The road to where I am now was not easy, and as the memories came flooding back, I realized just how much I had been through. The struggles, the challenges, and the countless lessons—all these experiences shaped me into the person I am today, though I had not always recognized it.      I remembered, vividly, one of the hardest periods of my life. During high school, I experienced something I had never expected—bein

1st day of New Journey

     August 31 was a significant day for me, as I woke up early once more, ready to return to school. But this time, it wasn't for an undergraduate course. This time, I was returning as a graduate student, and honestly, the day was filled with mixed feelings. Only a few months ago, on June 28, I proudly walked across the stage to receive my Bachelor of Science in Information Technology degree. I recall that day vividly, the culmination of years of hard work, late nights, and countless hours in front of my computer. I assumed that chapter of my life was finally over. I had thought, perhaps innocently, that I had escaped the late nights consumed by endless schoolwork, group projects, and exam preparation. Unfortunately, I was mistaken. Here I am, back in the academic world, not to pursue a diploma for career advancement or to outperform others with my education, but to simply experience what others have—the feeling of being escorted by their parents during commencement exercises or r